Soul xpressions...
Paving the Way to Brighter Futures for Our Next Generation 

We Provide Youth Development Services, Empowering Under-served Youth Through Creativity, Education, Social-Emotional Learning (SEL), and Black Heritage.

Mindset of Lifelong Learning

We understand the aspirations you have for youth and the uncertainties you face in today’s rapidly changing educational landscape. Soul Xpressions bridges this gap, providing an educational experience that prepares youth for the future while honoring their individuality.


Our mission is to advocate for students  8 to 21, who struggle academically, socially, emotionally and behaviorally. Soul Xpressions provide a platform for students to showcase their God given gifts, talents and strengths through performing arts and education.

Our missions is to foster a vibrant community where young individuals flourish emotionally and socially through immersive performing arts experience and comprehensive black history education. We inspire self-discovery, boost self-esteem and cultivate talents that enables them to thrive academically and become compassionate leaders.

Journey at Soul Xpressions

Discover a revolutionary approach that places youth at the center of their educational adventure. SoulXpressions is where passion meets purpose, cultivating a vibrant realm of exploration and growth!

The SX Way: A Proven Formula for Transformation
At Soul Xpressions, we’re not simply an academic program. We’re a transformative experience that leverages the power of creativity, social-emotional learning (SEL), and the honoring of Black heritage. Our unique formula — the SX Way — has been meticulously designed to empower underserved youth, ages 8-21, providing them with the tools and opportunities they need to discover, develop, and display their full potential.

Throughout our journey, the SX Way has positively transformed the lives of countless students. This unique approach goes beyond traditional education, enhancing academic performance while simultaneously cultivating students’ performing arts abilities. The inclusion of social-emotional learning (SEL) in our methodology, enables students to grow, flourish, and navigate the world with resilience and adaptability. The SX Way isn’t just an educational model — it’s a vehicle of empowerment and cultural enrichment, a vibrant celebration of the rich heritage of Black culture that weaves through everything we do.

The SX Way isn’t just about teaching – it’s about transforming lives. At Soul Xpressions, we’re not just serving students – we’re shaping the leaders of tomorrow, today.


Discover Potential

At Soul Xpressions, we believe every child possesses unique potential that is waiting to be unlocked. Through our holistic approach, we guide youth in exploring their interests, igniting their curiosity, and laying the foundation for their creative journey.


Description: We mentor underserved youth, helping them identify and explore their innate gifts, interests, and skills. Our focus is on fostering their creative potential and enhancing their social-emotional learning (SEL) skills.


  • Educational seminars
  • Cultural heritage workshops
  • School-based training programs
  • Talent identification and one-on-one mentoring sessions
  • Initial talent and skill interest discovery
  • Personality and creativity assessments
  • Educational interest surveys
  • Cultural heritage exploration
  • SEL skill evaluatio

Develop given Skills

With the help of our dedicated educators and the proven Soul Xpressions framework, youth gain the confidence and tools to sharpen their social skills and enhance their academic and performing arts abilities.


Description: We provide personalized mentorship, education, resources, and support to nurture and grow their talents, skills, and cultural understanding. Our programs are designed to develop creativity and SEL competence.


  • Tailored mentoring programs
  • Access to educational resources
  • Regular skill development workshops
  • Arts and crafts workshops
  • SEL training sessions
  • Collaborative projects with local artists and educato

Display Growth

By progressing through our framework, youth have the opportunity to demonstrate their growth through class presentations and stage performances, celebrating their talents and achievements.


Description: We create opportunities for youth to showcase and celebrate their achievements and progress. Our emphasis is on Creative Arts and Social Emotional Learning Empowerment.


  • Community presentations and talent showcases
  • Recognition events highlighting youth progress
  • Art exhibitions and community art projects
  • Cultural festivals and educational achievement presentations
  • Community-based exhibitions and SEL-themed presentations

Deepen Your Educational Engagement

As youth progress in their journey with Soul Xpressions, they will explore powerful narratives, significant moments, and influential figures from Black history, enriching their appreciation for cultural legacy

This exploration will not only enhance understanding but also ignite self-expression. By connecting with the resilience, creativity, and strength inherent in Black heritage, they will find their own voice and learn to articulate their thoughts, ideas, and feelings more effectively and authentically.

Learn about our services

Journey Beyond The Classroom

Escape the confines of traditional education and let your youth explore the vast universe of possibilities with Soul Xpressions.

Join an Education Revolution!

Soul Xpressions

The Soul Xpressions Arts & Education Program offers comprehensive performing arts and academic services during after-school hours and summer sessions. Our program includes performing arts camps and provides opportunities for individuals to engage in activities such as acting, singing, dancing, writing, and composing.”

Soul Xpressions:

Georgeanna Queen:  |  412.610.5091

Robyn Queen:  | 


first Name
